
The Power of I AM

Do you often complete the sentence "I am ...." with a negative word like sick, poor, tired, ugly, etc,... you might wanna think again. The Bible says in Proverbs 18:21 "The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat the fruits of it." Watch this Sermon of Joel Osteen instead.


Everybody should read this!!!

WARNING: Some knew about the red light on cars, but not Dialing 112.
An UNMARKED police car pulled up behind her and put his lights on. Lauren's parents have always told her to never pull over for an unmarked car on the side of the road, but rather to wait until they get to a gas station, etc.

Lauren had actually listened to her parents advice, and promptly called, 112 on her cell phone to tell the police dispatcher that she would not pull over right away. She proceeded to tell the dispatcher that there was an unmarked police car with a flashing red light on his rooftop behind her. The dispatcher checked to see if there were police cars where she was and there weren't, and he told her to keep driving, remain calm and that he had back up already on the way.

Ten minutes later 4 cop cars surrounded her and the unmarked car behind her. One policeman went to her side and the others surrounded the car behind. They pulled the guy from the car and tackled him to the ground. The man was a convicted rapist and wanted for other crimes.
I never knew about the 112 Cell Phone feature. I tried it on my AT&T phone & it said, "Dialing Emergency Number."
Especially for a woman alone in a car, you should not pull over for an unmarked car. Apparently police have to respect your right to keep going on to a safe place.

*Speaking to a service representative at Bell Mobility confirmed that 112 was a direct link to State trooper info. So, now it's your turn to let your friends know about "Dialing, 112"

You may want to send this to every Man, Woman & Youngster you know; it may well save a life.

This applies to ALL 50 states

Winter or Spring?

Astronomical Spring started today at 7:06 am but it seems like Mother nature decided otherwise. Click here for more....

Another Day!

Good morning everyone, I hope that all of you are safe and sound. I'm doing fantabulous (LOL, I know it's not a word). I'm full of energy and ready to start this day off. It's true what they say about, there is no better remedy than spending time with your loved ones. I had a great time with my best friend who came over to my place yesterday and we just have our little girls hangout moment. No matter what life throws at you reply with energy and a wide smile. And enjoy the beauty of nature!

Back on popular demand...

Hey dear followers, it has been a while. I would like to start of by wishing each and everyone of you a Happy New year with all my best wishes! :-) For some reason I've lost my taste of writing. I guess maybe it's because I've been busy or just got out of it. Some of my friends like +Godfatherr Jp always ask why I've stopped posting or should I say writing? I gave it a thought and said to myself , I'll get back to it and to my surprise, my blog is still here LOL. Well I'm back and hopefully I'll be inspired to interact with you all more.

Thought of the day!

"Dishonest scales" refers to the loaded scales a merchant might use in order to cheat the customers. Dishonesty is a difficult sin to avoid. It is easy to cheat if we think no one else is looking. But dishonesty affects the very core of a person. It makes him untrustworthy and untrusting. It eventually makes him unable to know himself or relate to others. Don't take dishonesty lightly. Even the smallest portion of dishonesty contains enough of the poison of deceit to kill your spiritual life. If there is any dishonesty in your life, tell God about it now.

A must watch!


Random Thoughts

Hello Readers! That is if I have anyone left LOL!.... I know this place has became a bit dry lately and I apologize about that.

 How is everyone doing? I hope you had a great week and a great Friday as well because i did :-). What do you have planned for tonight? Me, after editing my note for the day, I'm going to bury myself in a book entitled " The Circle Maker" by Zondervan on my new toy (Kindle fire) while listening to some RnB (Boys II Men kind of songs) and sipping on some hot green tea and call it a night! Now let's get to my thought of the day; shall we?

It's funny how nowadays we do our best to please others and ignore our own happiness. Something some of us fail to realize is that we cannot please everyone on this Earth no matter what we do. Some people will like you for who you are and some won't like for the same reason. The most important thing is for you to know who you are and what you want. Life is more about doing things to make yourself happy. I know it sounds a bit selfish but look at it this way.....

Let's say there is a new tendency in fashion for example which is wearing your pants in a way that one leg's length is shorter than the other and people have started doing it, will you start doing it because you want to fit in? Even though it looks ridiculous on you? Wake up people! Some ladies will wear clothes they'll feel uncomfortable in just because her "friends" are doing it. If those people are indeed her friends, They'll accept her the way she is and not make her feel bad when she is not dressing like them. Some men start smoking weeds or illegal substances just to "fit in" the crowd they want to hang out with or become someone they are not just to please some strangers.

If someone doesn't want to associate himself/herself with you, don't worry they are people who will. The most important is to just be yourself. We are created with unique traits and characters. There will be only "one" you so don't let anyone tell you the opposite. Live, Love, Laugh!!!

On the Edge!

 I've been going through a lot and I'm still is. I even tried to shut down my blog bu I've realized that i can use it as my diary where i can just pour out my thoughts and just share them with whoever care to read them.
As I'm sitting here while typing this, lots of thoughts run in my mind. I'm looking at the way I'm going about it and i decided to just be still and let it be. Maybe it's time for me to stop running from left to right and see how things will go. As we start this new year, I want to take the time to wish each one of you a Happy new Year!
I promise to keep in touch this year. This will be more like my diary. Have Fun reading me throughout this year and wish me luck!

Single Ladies!! Stop looking for men!

   I was reading a pretty popular magazine while working out on the treadmill ( Needed that to keep going for an hour lol) and i came across an article talking about why according the them 50% of young Christians Black women in the United State of America are still single. I'll try in my best ability to give their reasons and tell if i agree or not with them.

1. The women look for men in Churches.
 The magazine states that most of those single young ladies look for men in black churches which is wrong. Well i agree with them on that. I've discussed with some single ladies before and they think that they'll find a godly man in church. They think since he comes to church he might be good for her. Hellooo!! Have you ever heard of people wearing masks to church? Someone can act more godly than the Pastor and be so not what people think he is. Where i come from even witches and wizards come to church every single day if they can, some people will be so active in their church but yet at home will be so wicked you'll look at them twice and be shocked. Plus Ladies 85% of us say they are "Christians" in the US compared to some 40% males and in total 75% in the US claimed to be " Christians". Let's leave that for another day shall we? 

2.Young Women wants a wealthy and successful man
   That's true, who wouldn't? But listen a black man in his early 20's is still trying to make it through College or make something out of his life and trust me if he is in the world (and most of them are), He is not ready to settle down. Don't be in your 20's and start thinking marriage come on.... I've sat with some Eagles lately, by Eagles i mean people who have been true Christians in a long while and married for a long time and some words from my Pastors and oh boy! I'm not in the hurry to get married. Marriage is a Magnifier like my Pastor will say. You think he is cute when he snores? Wait until you say "I do" and hear him snore every single day for the rest of your life. I don't think it's cute anymore huh? When you had a long day and try to sleep and hear it all night long. And Ladies, Behind every successful man, there is a strong woman. If you are not successful yourself, not strong on your own to take care of yourself financially, emotionally, physically, etc,... don't go out there looking for a man to do that for you. The truth is you won't find him. You need to be complete and happy alone before thinking of adding someone else to the picture. If you want to be complete go to God, He will be your strength, your guide, your love, etc.... and trust me He will be faithful if your faithful to Him and even in our messed up life He will still be faithful because He loves us that much.

3. Women and their Biological clock.
   I used to think that i have a biological clock but then i let God come in my life and do some main construction work. If you are on my Facebook you'll think, man she got it going on! Let me tell you that life is not a bed of roses especially if you want to be a true Christian, God will mess up your life. The devil will throw in his obstacles but if you still faithful to God in the middle of your storm and keep on going you'll soar on wings like an Eagle. There is no biological clock, it's in our mind. Stop looking for your husband in every man around you. You'll get hurt. I've learned the hard way. When you are in God, trust me you won't even have the time to think about it but you'll have a blessing of men around you because men will start seeing the Glory of God through you. You don't have to expose any part of your body, which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, to get a man. That Glory of God will shine upon your life and you will rise and shine and you won't even understand where they are all coming from and why they are coming after you but let me tell you it's because they have seen the Glory of God in you. But then again ladies,  be careful because even Satan can see that light upon your life and will try to come in and destroy you. 

   To close this post i'll say when it comes to relationships, first you need to stop looking because when that right man comes in everything will fall into places without too much effort. I'm not saying it will be easy though but you'll know.Secondly don't be cheap, what i mean by that is don't fall too easily. Don't let the man have his way. Put him to test like a female Eagle does it. By that i don't mean either shoo-sh him away no, but see how far he will go for you. Third, if you want a godly man for your godly self he has to abide by the book of life, The Bible. Don't let him tell you no this is for the old days and things have changed. We as human changed toward God by doing what we please us but God never changed. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is still the same. Ladies! Be still and let God perform His works in your life. Let His will be done in our life as it is in Heaven. Father may your will be done now and Forever! 

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