
There is a Thin Line Between a Christian and a Believer

After watching the video below, I've started thinking a lot about Christianity nowadays. And it's kind of sad when you take a look at "Christians" today.

Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Being a Christian is not only going to church and acting all holy on Sundays and go back to the daily hassle of life as worldly people. It's more like a way of living, it must show in one's everyday life. Behold it's not an easy path but not impossible. It requires a lot of dedication and focus because it is really easy to be lured into doing things which are against Christianity. Christians are called to read the Holy Scriptures in the Bible daily and act according to what it says and not according to what the world says. Being a Christian is also like a commitment to be in a relationship with God with faithfulness and trust in Him.

However, there is a difference between a Christian and a Believer. A Believer is what most so called Christians are nowadays. A Believer is the one who believes that there is a God and that's it. Believers don't apply the Words of the Bible in there everyday lives; I like to call them " Once in a week Christians". The only day you see them acting holy and try to get close to God is mostly Sunday which is kind of sad.

In conclusion, becoming a Christian should be done willingly and not because of the society we grow up in.   Christianity should be one's life as in everyday must be considered as Sunday. A Christian should hold onto the Bible as he/she hold onto his/her electronic devices such cellphones, laptops, iPods, iPads, etc,.....


Unknown said...

Hope everyone will like it!!!

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